Solid Ink is world-renowned and expertly produced by tattooer Fredrico Ferroni. Fredrico shares an obsession and innate responsibility to his friends, peers, and the age-old craft of tattooing that aligns precisely with the morals and objectives of Good Guy Supply. Just as we do, he will only attach his name to products he can confidently stand behind.
In store, you will find an ever-expanding palette of colours and bottle sizes. Our mission is always to have what you need in stock! In addition to 1-ounce, 2-ounce, 4-ounce, and limited 8-ounce bottles, we also offer a variety of colour sets. Horitomo Sumi sets, Tim Hendricks Feather Light sets, Chris Garver sets, Victor Chil sets and the all-new Old Pigments sets.
Shop The Solid Ink collection HERE
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